The City of Ketchikan – Ketchikan Public Utilities welcomes and encourages external applicants. All positions are posted In-house to allow current employees to apply prior to being posted externally. Probationary, temporary or part-time employees working less than 19 hours will need to apply through the external process. We will accept outside applications under the following guidelines:
The position is listed externally and open to the public;
All questions on the application are answered and explanations provided where necessary;
All required information is submitted with the application; otherwise, your application will not be considered for employment; and
All applications, hard copy or electronic, are received by 5:00 PM (Alaska Time) on the closing date.
Please note that separate applications must be submitted for each position you wish to apply for.
Current positions are listed on the City’s website, with the local Job Service and advertised locally, as well as other areas deemed appropriate. Should you have any additional questions or have trouble with the on-line process, please contact our office.