Public Works - Snow Removal

ESR Sign.JPG   Red “Emergency Snow Route” signs exist along city streets lately, and they carry an important message: Be aware that your vehicle, trailer, boat, or camper parked on these routes is in danger of being towed when the snow hits. People living along the marked routes may be notified through the “Nixle” system that they must move their vehicles off the streets to allow snowplows to clear the roads. The targeted routes are: The lower portion of Bryant Street, Carlanna Lake Road, Fairview Avenue between Carlanna Lake Road and Jackson Street, Jackson Street, Baranof Between Jackson Street and Carlanna Lake Road, Madison Street in front of Ketchikan High School, Fourth Avenue between Jackson Street and Jefferson Street, Jefferson Street, Third Avenue and Third Avenue Bypass.  

Click on the following to see:           

Winter Maintenance Information Guide    

Snow Removal Maps